
Congratulations again on being selected to play in this exciting game!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom!!!

 I strongly suggest viewing these on a computer or tablet; cell phones may be challenging.

If an image is darker, it can be brightened (and vice versa).

The "overlay" will be removed when purchased.

You can also create a "Favorites Folder" to Save your Selections.

I'll need the file name's 3 digit or 4 digit number from the orange bar

 above the image when it's enlarged to fill your order. 

(No need to include "gcfca-2024-palmieri")

Your service will need to access over 2000 images so be patient while the site loads.



- 4x6 individual, (non-team) printable digital files - $8 each.

- 8x12 individual, (non-team) printable digital files - $10 ea.

 Larger digital files are available upon request.


 Payment can be made via Venmo or Paypal.

  My Venmo address is Tony-Palmieri-12

 and the last 4 digits of my phone are 1742 if necessary.

 There isn't a transaction fee for Venmo payments.

I'll confirm receipt of your payment via text

so include your cell number in the notes.


 Before paying via Paypal,

know that PayPal payments require a 3.5% transaction fee.

Each game file paid with PayPal will be

$8.25 and $10.35

respectively to account for transaction fees.

I'll also need your email address to send your files.


For PayPal, use 


Many thanks!

Tony Palmieri  :-)

440.670.1742 for questions


 Click Here for Friday Game Pics (Newer Watermark, this Method Allows for a Favorites Folder)

Click here for Friday Game Pics (Original Watermark Method Allows for a Favorites Folder, too)

Click Here for DropBox Game Pics Viewing (Newer Watermark)

Click Here for DropBox Viewing (Original Watermark)

Click here to Order a Portrait from Thursday (Candids & Portraits)